Greendale HS class of 2019 | Kayce's Sneak Peek

Kayce showed for her senior portraits with her sister.

Suddenly, I was mildly upset with her mom. She had neglected to mention something rather important when they booked the session: that Kayce is GORGEOUS. A complete and total natural beauty! 

(That's ok, Kathy. I won't stay mad at you!)

So, without further ado, here is the beautiful Kayce, Greendale High School class of 2019.

Did you put off scheduling your senior photos? Summer is nearing an end but I still have openings left in August. Get your session in before school starts for a worry-free back-to-school season.


Sneak Peek for Sam | Tosa West HS class of 2019


Wauwatosa Family Sneak Peek | rain, rain go away