New Berlin West class of 2022 Sneak Peek | Tierney

Everything about Tierney’s senior portraits has been a family affair — and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!

From the introductory phone call to the pre-session consultation to actual photo day - mom and dad were right by this girl’s side. And let me be clear, they weren’t doing it because she needed them - it was very clear they were there because they are simply in complete adoration of their daughter.

They gave her space, allowed her to make her own decisions…. and yet, cheered her on every step of the way. Quite honestly, it was an adorable and endearing thing to experience.

But seriously, enough about mom and dad (right, Tierney?!?) this is all about the gorgeous subject… THIS is Tierney from New Berlin West High School.

Enjoy your sneak peek! There is SO much more to come!


I’ve been asked WHY I pick certain images as the Sneak Peek photo. Well, here are some of my reasons…

  1. It’s not the best shot. What??? No, really. Think about it. If I shared the BEST image before the rest, wouldn’t that be disappointing? That’s not to say the Sneak Peek is BAD. No way. It’s just not the cherry on top.

  2. It’s got a unique feature. Whether it’s a certain background, expression, pose (or hair flying!), there is something different and eye catching about the image.

  3. It’s going to build excitement and suspense. Let’s go back to number 1… and knowing that you may have seen some pretty cool back-of-the-camera shots… yet after seeing THIS one… well, you can’t WAIT to see more!

Mission accomplished. When all is said and done, the Sneak Peek is really just a little preview of what’s to come.

And in Tierney’s case… yes to all of the above. Oooh, I cannot WAIT to share more!


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