Pius XI class of 2022 Sneak Peek | Ryan

We sat across from each other at the pre-session consultation. Me, with my little notepad and pen. Him, answering all my questions.

And then there was mom, with her mouth gaping open. She was in awe that he was actually answering all my questions! It made me smile.

You just never know what they’re going to say. You never know if they’re going to have an opinion. You never know what you - as the parent - will learn when you listen to someone else asking them questions.

I’m just doing my job, but I am genuinely interested in these kids’ lives. I want to know each senior a little better before I photograph them, so I know where and how to photograph them. And believe it or not, after the session is long over I wonder what they decided about their future, what play they were in, what sport they will play next.

So now, allow me to introduce the (surprisingly talkative?) Ryan, a class of 2022 senior from Pius XI High School.

Here’s a Sneak Peek from his portrait session this week.

Thanks to my friends at The Rage Room for allowing us to use their epic location.

Time is REAAAAALLLLY dwindling for class of 2022 senior portraits. Yearbook deadlines are approaching with what seems like increasing speed. Get your session booked before it’s too late!

Wondering if you can still get something done in time? If your deadline is later in November, we’re pushing it a little close to the line. December deadlines are no problem. January yearbook deadlines? No worries at all.


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