Quarantine fashion photoshoot starring Sherman

There’s maybe a few things you need to know before you proceed with this post.

  1. We’re in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Here in Wisconsin, we’re heading into Month #2 of the Stay at Home Order. In my house, we are on Day #50 of staying home. (When the NBA cancelled its season, that was my red flag.)

  2. I miss people. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss my clients. I miss people who want to be my clients. I miss my small business colleagues. I miss people at the coffee shop. I miss people at the mall. I miss people who smile at you in public spaces. I miss people who hate me. I miss EVERYONE.

  3. I miss my camera. Without sounding corny (too late!), my camera is how I find my center. My camera brings me a focus and calm I don’t have anywhere else. I’ve realized that my camera has brought me the same type of peace that a toddler’s blanket would carry. I recall of a time, crossing the highest elevations in the Rocky Mountains, I merely put my eye to the viewfinder and was able to look down without fear. Odd. But true.

  4. I’ve been watching too much online education. With all this time we’ve been, um, given, I’ve been watching tutorials on different aspects of photography. In particular, session styling. I finally decided to stop since I have no one to practice all these skills on. Or do I?…

  5. Sherman is not something I made up. I mean, I’m crazy, but not that crazy. (Although after this post you may beg to differ, ha.)Professional Photographers of America (PPA) has an extensive process of written exams and image evaluations that one must pass in order to earn the label of CPP or Certified Professional Photographer. (I completed the process last year, hooray!) Our dear Sherman is part of the image evaluation. I won’t bore you with the details, but it will suffice to say that I now have Sherman the wooden doll living in my studio. He comes in handy for light tests and background sample shots... And days like yesterday when I REALLY needed to get behind my camera and there was nary a human in sight.

I feel that is all the preparation you need to proceed. You may never be the same, but I’m sorta not sorry for that. (giggles)

Here’s where it gets good.

Sherman needed some variety in his sassy wardrobe. Look One is for daytime, Look Two is for an evening out. (Or in.)

Another variation…

But wait! There’s more… the outfit needed to be completed!

Cute, but it still needed some accessorizing…


Belt = necklace = why not?


Everyone needs a nice flower crown once in a while. (Or not… at this point Sherman is well past hating me.)

And now we transition into the fur hood portion of the shoot… but of course!

And if you thought we were done, you would be wrong. No fashion shoot EVER would be complete without TULLE. And a wind machine. I mean, I’m not wrong.


Sherman is heading to Paris to accomplish his day-long dream of becoming a fashion model. Watch out, Vogue! The wood guy is coming for you!

Click to watch the Worldwide Premier of Sherman’s Fashion Photoshoot Music Video.

Click to watch the Worldwide Premier of Sherman’s Fashion Photoshoot Music Video.

Here’s what we learned today:

  1. I desperately need this Safer at Home business to end.

  2. I miss humans.

  3. Sherman hates me and he’s now a possible flight risk.

Seriously, if you want to PRE-book a senior session or maybe get your family together (finally!) for a family portrait, let’s talk. I can schedule your session anytime after May 26.


Marquette University HS class of 2020 | JJ Breiner


Oconomowoc HS class of 2020 | Lauren DeJong