Tell your family's story, don't forget the details | The Stein kids

I love telling stories (no kidding?).

I love collecting all the little details that make up our stories. Who are we? What makes us tick? What do we like or dislike? What habits do we have?

As a mom, I’ve always tried to write down as many of these things as I can. One day (today? next week? 10 years from now?) I’ll read these little personality quirks about my babies and remember what my now giant teenaged children were like when they were teeny tiny and I could pick them up with one hand.

My eyes get a little misty when I read about when my daughter pronounced Jello “jealous” and I would giggle when she asked for more “jealous”. My heart aches when I’m reminded of the time when my son would beg for “pampakes” for breakfast.

So when a family comes to me for their portraits, I have to ask the questions. What makes your kids tick? Do they get along with each other? Are they shy? Is there something that makes them laugh?


Sure, all the answers provide some background for me so I know how to work with your kids. So you have a shy kid? I will try not to come on so strong. You have another child who loves being the center of attention? Let’s highlight that and play up the ham!


But also, answering questions like that gets you thinking. What DO my children like? What DO they enjoy? What makes them THEM?

Lauren filled out my Pre-Session Questionnaire before her kids’ annual portrait session.

Her answers were priceless. (And for the record, so are her kids!)

Meet Julia and John.


JULIA can be reserved at first, then typically bubbly.

Talks a million miles per hour when she's excited, makes great faces. 

Has a Black Belt in karate. 

Loves to swim. 

Dabbles in basketball and tennis. 

Loves her dogs. 

Hates having fish for dinner or when her brother sings/dances in public.

JOHN assumes everyone will love him (typically true).

He is working on developing some empathy. 

Also working on that Black Belt. 

Loves soccer. 

Dabbles in swim, basketball and tennis. 

Will spend hours putting together a LEGO set. 

Loves his mama. 

Hates casseroles and chores.

So what do you want to remember about your little ones while you can still hold them on your lap? What do you want to recall about your big kids that in 5 years will seem like an entirely different person ago?

Book your family session today.

Quick, before they grow up… and ask for pancakes.


Enjoy the Stein Kids’ Time Capsule Video:


Self Esteem and Family Photos | The Spring Kids Have Both


What is the best time for family photos? | a look at the Rauch Family