Tosa West class of 2022 Sneak Peek | Quinn

This is the first of a week full of Sneak Peeks for some pretty cool kids around the Milwaukee area. Be sure to check back daily!

Today, I am sharing Quinn’s session. This sweetheart of a guy is an incoming senior at Wauwatosa West and, as you can see, a baseball player. In fact, his session came just days after a summer vacation with his grandfather to visit several baseball stadiums in the midwest. How fun is that?

Quinn, I had so much fun with you! Best wishes to you for a fantastic senior year.

Here’s your Sneak Peek! (Go Brewers!)


Are you an athlete? Not sure what to bring to your session? Here are 10 ideas for you to consider bringing. (It doesn’t mean we have to use them ALL!)

8 Athletic Themed Props for your Senior Portrait Session

  1. UNIFORM - whether it’s your own or for your hometown hero

  2. EQUIPMENT - bats, balls, helmets, rackets, paddles, etc.

  3. BICYCLE - maybe you’re not competitive, but you just love riding your bike

  4. SHOES - do you have a PILE of “old” running shoes, cleats, spikes? Bring ‘em all!

  5. GEAR - chalk, sunglasses, hats, nets, hurdles

  6. AWARDS - medals, trophies, pins, badges

  7. LETTERMAN JACKET - there is no better thing to wear in your senior photos!

  8. LOCATION - let’s go to the field, track, court, park where you play

Ready for your close-up? Even if you’re not, it is TIME. September is not even around the corner anymore - it’s THIS WEEK. And so, it’s time to stop putting off those senior photos. Book your session today!


Brookfield East class of 2022 Sneak Peek | Bella


Wauwatosa West class of 2022 Sneak Peek | Ella