Why Hire a Professional Photographer?

I recently attended a photography workshop (in some circles that's known as "continuous ed"). I learned a LOT - and I'm SO excited to share some of the images I shot at the workshop.

But then I stopped myself. 

WHY would any of my clients, potential clients, friends, family or really any non-photographers CARE about seeing what I learned?

Sure they're pretty, but it's not like I'm going to explain the technical information and camera settings for each photo. Heck, most people I come in contact with don't even care what type of camera I shoot with (Canon, always Canon!) so I can guarantee they wouldn’t want to know what my settings were.

So why would they be interested in THESE photos? Here’s why.

People sometimes hesitate when hiring a professional photographer. "Why PAY for photos when I can take a perfectly good picture on my phone?" "Why SPEND money on a photographer when my cousin can do it for free?"

While there are a million reasons why that I won’t go into now, today's explanation is simple. Why would you hire a doctor who is professionally trained and, year after year, continues her education? Because you can tell the difference between a TRAINED doctor and a novice... Just as you can tell the difference between a PROFESSIONAL photographer and a novice.

So, with that being said, here are those images...

The workshop I attended was all about using “off-camera flash”. When you see me with a “thing” on top of my camera, that “thing” (a transmitter) is used to control the flash that is, literally, off my camera. Sometimes we use flash to light a scene, brighten a face or completely alter reality.

The wall in this image was not blue, nor did we paint it…except with LIGHT. ;)

In fact, all these photos were taken in a dark, dull hotel hallway. Except the last one with the beautiful mama-to-be. For that shot we were outside and I STILL used flash... but you can't tell! (That's a good thing!)

Okay, next example.

So now imagine you're out with your friends. The scene catches your eye and you MUST take a photo of your friend sitting at the bar. This is most likely how it would turn out, right?

I shot that with my iPhone. You can't even see the poor guy's face!

Enter professional flash lighting and a photographer who is trained to use it...

Wait, WHAT? Let's see that again.

As if you weren't already sold on the benefits of investing in professional photography, here's one more... THIS was my actual vision for the photo of the guy at the bar... Either the cool, sadly-toned portrait or the classic black and white. Changing the color - on top of the lighting - brings in emotion and punch to the image.

Are you ready to make the leap? I'm here for you! Let's talk about what's important to you for your next portrait session. 


Stories Framed Photography | MKEseniors | calling class of 2018


Muskego HS Senior Portraits | class of 2017 | Nathan