Tosa East HS class of 2018 | Sneak Peek for Dominic

Dominic is up next. 

Dominic is a Tosa East student, a member of the class of 2018. 

He's one of those kids who I just WISH I could be inside his mind. He's a little quiet but I feel like the wheels are turning something fierce up there. He's just observing, taking it all in... internally rolling his eyes at me and my shenanigans.

Thanks Dominic for being such a good kid and a great subject. I hope you had a fun time!

Here's the sneak peek from his session.

Still haven't committed to getting your senior photos done? If you wait any longer you'll end up with your ID photo in the yearbook! CLICK HERE to book a fast, simple and fun senior session. 


Tosa West HS class of 2018 | Sneak Peek for Christopher


Kettle Moraine HS Senior Portraits | class of 2018 | Sneak Peek for Chloe