Tosa West HS class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Trevor

It’s officially football season! Fall is here!

Next time you’re at a Tosa West football game, watch for Trevor, Number 2!


Trevor was a fun kid to photograph - he has a great sense of humor and he’s got a very laid back personality. However - he still knows what he likes. As an added bonus he’s got a brilliant smile that lights up a room. This guy is one to watch for!

Did your heart just leap into your throat with the realization that you haven’t scheduled senior photos yet? Not to worry!

First of all, most schools have October/November deadlines. (Phew.)

Second, I volunteer to come to your rescue. Stories Framed Photography has two great options for senior photos:

1. The TRADITIONAL full session includes wardrobe changes, a variety of locations and more.

2. The EXPRESS session is in-studio, quick and to the point.

Check them both out on the SENIORS page.

The bad news is that I have a VERY limited number of openings left in September and October. However, I want you to consider something for a moment…

Imagine booking your kid's senior portraits on a random Thursday morning. Yes, during school. (GASP!) You go get Starbucks, get hair and makeup done. You come to the session, have a fun time creating some memorable images. After, you go for lunch and then bring her to school. FYI, you would be an INSTANT HERO. The coolest mom EVER.

Imagine this: a week, month or year later, it wasn't a half day of school missed. It was a morning spent with mom. (sniff)


Tosa East HS class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Jackson


Brookfield Central HS Class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Chloe