When You Hold a Model Call | The Results Are In

I've got something exciting and different up my sleeve for later this month.... when it's ACTUALLY spring. They say it's coming... I'm confident that it will. Sometime around June 3rd??

If you follow my social media you may have seen that I posted a model call for a few upcoming projects. Thank you to everyone who responded - if we didn't use you this time, there's always next time! Stay tuned!

The four beautiful ladies who came into the studio on Saturday were PHENOMENAL. Thank you so much to April, Kelly, Mara and Monique. You really, truly rocked the camera. 

This is a small sneak peek of the gorgeousness that seeped out of the camera this weekend. I had to share at least a few... 

Clockwise, Top Right: April, Monique, Kelly, Mara. 

Want to see more of these lovely ladies? Join my super-exclusive mailing list to be the first to learn about this project I'm working on.


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