Class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Rachel

Sometimes you meet someone who you know ahead of time will completely blow your mind. For me, aside from the time I got to meet Ed Sheeran (squeal!!), this was my experience with Rachel.

I knew she was super (SUPER-DUPER!!) smart, I knew her parents were fun people, so getting to work with this sweet, motivated, enthusiastic, agreeable and completely down-to-earth girl was an absolute pleasure.

Photographing her was made even easier due to the fact that she’s a beautiful girl and the warm, embracing light we had that morning - perfection!

Rachel, I hope you like your Sneak Peek. I can’t wait to share the rest! To Rachel’s parents - oh, boy. You’ve got a superstar on your hands.


For Rachel’s session, we used a location that reflected her favorite thing in the world (golf!) yet had other nooks and crannies for the rest of her session. However, it’s not over-the-top obvious.

What type of location would you want to do your senior photos? Are you artistic? Do you love science? Are you dedicated to your job at the local burger joint? Let’s talk about locations and style you a fun and memorable senior session!


Brookfield East Class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Charlie


Class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Dee