Tosa East HS class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Drew

Everyone, this is Drew.

Drew, this is everyone.

Say hi.

Drew had his senior photos this weekend and they couldn’t have gone any better! In fact, Drew is one of those (many) kids who, when it comes down to it, is doing it for dear ol’ mom. He wasn’t exactly overjoyed to be having his own personal photo shoot.

But guess what? I won him over. (I always do. Wink.)

And look at him! This is one of many AMAZING shots of Drew. There are many more where this came from so mom, relax. You are in good hands.


Now the only question is, how do you want to display this great portrait?

I help my clients by guiding them through the photo selection process. That includes not only choosing the photos, but also figuring out HOW to display them and HOW BIG to make them.


—> STEP 1: Choose your format

For today’s example, let’s say we decided to go with framed prints.

—> STEP 2: Choose your size

My clients receive simple instructions on what they need to do. (Hint: it merely involves Scotch tape, a phone camera and the internet) I literally do the rest. No thinking involved!

When you come in for your Reveal + Selection Appointment, I will have samples of displays using YOUR walls in your home.

So let’s say this is your living room.

Let’s say you come into your appointment thinking a “big” 8x10 print will be plenty large enough.

Okaaay… here you go. Here’s an 8x10 framed print on your living room wall. It looks a little… bit… miniature, don’t you think? In fact, you can’t even make out the poor kid’s face.


What if we try a larger size that fits the wall better?

Here’s a 24x20 framed photo. Isn’t that better?

It does still look a little lonely on that wall, but it definitely works.


What if you added two more images on either side? Here we have two 16x20 framed prints with the 20x24 framed print in the middle.

That. Looks. Amazing.

(Obviously, unless you’re a superfan of Andy Warhol, we would choose three different images.)



Once your photos are in place, there is no greater joy than walking into a room and seeing your child’s gorgeous smiling face looking back at you.

Are family photos in your future? Do your walls need some joy? Let’s connect and start down the path toward the perfect family portraits. (Psst. You may want to book your October dates before I run out of weekends.)


Tosa West HS class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Grace


Tosa West HS class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Natasha