Tosa West HS class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Melanie

I have a confession to make.

On occasion I meet someone - or even just see someone from a distance - and for a fleeting moment I dream about photographing them.

It might be their brilliant eyes, their amazing hair or their unique features that catch my attention. Sometimes their simple, raw beauty makes me pause. It can be anything, really.

(Ed. Note: Very rarely do I act on it because quite honestly, I know that while it might be flattering to some, it would be mostly creepy.)

A few years ago I met Melanie through the Tosa West theater department where I do cast headshots. I had THAT moment. I literally HOPED she wasn’t a senior yet. She had a classic, simple and easy beauty to her. I wanted to be the Chosen Photographer to do her senior photos.

Flash forward to this summer. I got the call! Melanie’s mom called ME for her senior pictures. I quietly jumped for joy in my little office.

What’s better is that when we discussed the style of portraits she wanted, we were totally in sync. Classic, simple, natural. Feature the subject. No frills. No props. Just focus on her girl, her oldest child.

I hope I did you right, Melanie. This is one of many more to come.


As with any classic style, this portrait works best in color OR black and white. Which do you prefer?


Did summer fly by before you could get your senior portraits scheduled? Not to worry! I can get you in with plenty of time before the yearbook deadline. Learn more about senior photos.

If you’re ready to get the show on the road, click below to book your session. All portrait sessions come with a pre-session consultation so you don’t ever have to worry about getting from scheduling to camera-ready.


Extended Family Reunion | Sibling Sneak Peek


Pewaukee HS class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Taylor