Waukesha West class of 2023 Sneak Peek | Gwynn

I am thrilled to share this Sneak Peek with you today. This is Gwynn from the Waukesha West High School class of 2023. Gwynn was such a character, so funny and so much fun to work with. And by “work with” I actually mean, “hang out with in the Third Ward”.

Storytime — This image means a lot to me, strange as it may seem. Gwynn was really taken by the building in the background. She REALLY wanted it in a photo. Her wish is my command! In order to get this particular shot, I was laying on the ground, leaning back into the building behind me, getting as low as I could. (without aiming my lens directly up her nose!) Click!

When I showed her the back of the camera, I’m preeeetty sure the noise she made would be classified as a Squeal of Delight. Yesss!!!!

That day in the Third Ward, we fought the wind and the cold. It doesn’t look like it, does it? That’s because I know how to hide around the corner from the wind, camouflage the cold and fake a warm summer day. That’s what you get when you hire a professional! Here are 5 other things you won’t see in this image…


  1. ORANGE SKIN TONES Oh, why is this even a trend?! You should have the correct skin tones. You weren’t born as an Oompa Loompa!

  2. HAIR IN YOUR FACE unless it’s an artistic and creative shot and then it’s done on purpose. But that one stray hair? Nope. Most likely we will fix it in person. If we don’t, as a last resort, it will get taken care of later.

  3. GLASS GLARE I know how to avoid it and if for some reason I can’t, I know how to get rid of it. Glass glare simply doesn’t belong in your photos. Let’s see those gorgeous eyes behind your glasses!

  4. RACCOON EYES Speaking of eyes, I use my portable lighting - yes, even on sunny days! - so that you don’t have dark eye sockets.

  5. OVERLY RETOUCHED FACES I want YOU to look like YOU. Of course I will retouch your images to make you look like the best version of yourself - eliminating acne, dark eye circles, and so on - but it will look so natural that you may not even notice the editing. Which, my friend, is the whole point.

Is it time to get your professional portraits done? Whether it’s senior portraits, family portraits or Just Because portraits, let’s start the conversation.


Kettle Moraine class of 2023 Sneak Peek | Joey


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