Fall Portraits | Sneak Peek for the Sladky Family

I met this adorable family out on a beautiful - but chilly! - fall Saturday morning.

In retrospect, after the crazy Snow-alloween we just had, it seems silly. But at the time, when I showed up at our location and saw the grass was covered in frost, I thought it was SIMPLY SHOCKING!

Nice fall photos, I thought, it’s going to practically look like winter.

Joke’s on us, Wisconsin.


So I have a super-duper cutie-pie Sneak Peek to share...

Charlie is the baby of the family. Just look at that bottom lip.

Then there’s Robbie. He’s the family ham.

Finally, the big brother Jimmy. He’s just a cool kid. I did not pose him... he just sat like that. (Modeling agency in 3, 2, 1…)

So, how do you get great family photos with three kids under the age of five? I thought you’d never ask!


  1. TIME. There’s a reason I schedule two hours for my family sessions. We may not use the entire time, but you just never know how things will go. I don’t want any parents to ever worry that their children are “taking too much time”. It’s all good.

  2. PATIENCE. It’s a scientifically proven fact that siblings will not cooperate simultaneously. Some kids have shorter attention spans. Some like more (or less) attention. Some kids just want to sit on the stool. I try to take turns with each child - especially if I notice waning interest. We may do family shots followed by individual photos. Then we may get another family photo - and then boom! Someone gets hungry….

  3. SNACKS. Just when you think there is NO WAY your kids could possibly get hungry in a 60-minute period, they do. Bring snacks. Happy kids are not hungry. Better fed than sorry.

  4. TRUST. I know it’s hard to sit by and just hope that the photographer is getting something worth framing. All you see is your kids running around and all you feel is your nerves running short. Let me tell you something - I got it. You hired a pro for a reason, right? On the slim chance that I capture absolutely nothing good, I promise to be upfront and tell you. Unless you hear otherwise, let’s just have some fun!

Ready to schedule your fall - er, WINTER - family photos? LET’S TALK. Contact me today to talk about what you want, where you want it and how many holiday cards you need (just a lucky guess!).


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